Journeying Coffeehouse Forum Event by Division Student Affairs (DSA) and Department of Students with Disabilities Development (DSQ)
Announce date 16/August/2022 | 1737 Views
16th August 2022 at 5.00 pm. Assoc. Prof. Suphakorn Pongbangpho (President of the University of Phayao), Prof. Dr. Samer Thanoi (Vice President of Department of Researching and Innovation), Asst. Prof. Chonthida Thephinlap (Vice President of Department of Academic and Quality Assurance), Assoc. Prof. Direk Theeraphuthorn (Vice President of Department of Finance and Corporate Communications), Dr. Wutthichai Chairinkham (Vice President of Department of Students Development) Mrs. Jaruwan Posayanon (Assistant President), Asst. Prof. Watchara Laenoi (Assistant President), and Asst. Prof. Suwit Panyawong (Assistant President) encountered representative personnel of DSA and the Department of Students with Disabilities Development who are the host who organized the Journeying Coffeehouse Forum Event in this time for tuning in operation policies, targets, and the ways of operation with representatives of the two directors to welcome at Fahmui Auditorium, Sanguansermsri Edifice, University of Phayao.
In a part of DSA, Mr. Pichet Thookjitr, Director of the Student Affairs Division has presented the vision of the agency is to support strategy No.1 in terms of teaching and student development, focusing on students living and studying happily, including graduating to have a job and being a good person in society. The quality of graduates meets the standard according to the desired characteristics of the university. DSA realizes the importance of human resource development beings to develop lifelong learning and improve the quality of life according to their potential by promoting activities to develop students to be graduates with desirable characteristics including the skills necessary to live according to learning competence to meet the challenges and be ready for various changes in the social era currents of change include upgrading students' competency and abilities in the competition of the world community with quality. Producing quality graduates according to the policy of the University of Phayao to be desirable graduates and skills necessary for living according to learning competencies with development of student identity (UP IDENTITY) in accordance with the strategic plan for the development of the University of Phayao. The president has appreciated encouraging all personnel and student leaders, who are the heart of the organization that has been committed to working with full strength, including promoting morals and ethics in the organization management under the principles of good governance.