The University of Phayao attended to “King’s Celebrating Music Festival”
Announce date 29/July/2022 | 1096 Views
The University of Phayao attended to “King’s Celebrating Music Festival” on occasion for celebrating the King's birthday on 28th July 2022. Jaruwan Poshyanonda (Assistant to the President) invited students from the University of Phayao Lukthung music club and Dancing Arts and Music major, School of Architecture and Fine Arts attended performing on King’s Celebrating Music Festival on occasion for celebrating the King's birthday on the 28th July 2022 at King Ngam Mueang monument, edge of Phayao Lake. Teacher Jaruwan Poshyanonda (Assistant to the President) and personnel attended to pays homage ceremonies and lit candles for blessing. After that, there was a glorified performance from Dancing Arts and Music major, School of Architecture and Fine Arts’ students. Next, the Lukthung music performance that made amusement from the University of Phayao Lukthung music club’s students who obtained many compliments. This Lukethung performance happened underneath a creative activity project, cultural learning area of Lukthung music, according to the 4th strategy and the mission of preserving arts and culture.